PGM Free Catalyst
International catalyst materials library:
One of the big issues in the present State of the Art for PGM-free Catalyst in PEMFC, is the total absence of harmonization actions in the testing protocols, as a result of this, it is very difficult for the research community compare and evaluate PGM-free catalyst .
In order to overcome this restriction, in the context of Pegasus project we propose develop an international and public PGM-free catalyst library. All the catalysts will be tested under the same conditions, following the Pegasus project protocols.
The international library will be built-up containing information from
- i) the literature some research group has been contacted ;
- ii) the AB members’ own work and
- iii) the project’s own findings through the development of GEN1 and GEN2 catalysts.
If you are interested in cooperate with this initiative you can contact with :
Cc : pierre-andre.jacques@cea.fr